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Power in Every Drop..

Cruiser Z3
Liquid Fertilizer Machine
45kW - 40HP
14 - 20 m
3000 LT.
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Strong Chassis
The chassis, specially designed by Çelikel® engineers and reinforced with saddle-structured sheets, forms the backbone of the machine in order to carry the strong body of the Cruiser® and to minimize the fluid movement inside it while carrying it.
Light Warning System
The machine is equipped with flashing lights to prevent possible work accidents. The warning system is placed on top of the CRUISER® to be visible at night and in dark working conditions.
Çelikel Cruiser® was designed using a special angled fertilizer impact plate to distribute liquid fertilizer as desired. The Cruiser®'s distribution distance can go up to 65 meters thanks to the optional centrifugal pump and upper thrower feature designed with difficult terrain conditions in mind.

Cruiser® içindeki sıvının ani yığılmalarına, köpüklenmesine ve çalkantılar oluşmasına karşı tank içine dalgakıran sistemi yerleştirilmiştir. Bu sayede makine içindeki ağırlık dengesi korunarak makinenin devrilme riski ortadan kaldırılmıştır.
Powerful Pump
The powerful pump of Cruiser® is capable of performing suction and pressure functions and providing long-lasting use while doing these jobs. It is equipped with a light warning system to prevent possible work accidents during the fertilizer spreading process. The light warning system is placed on the top of Cruiser® in order to highlight the feature of being noticed at night and in dark working conditions.
Safety has been kept at the maximum level in Cruiser® and a double float system has been used to prevent materials in the liquid fertilizer from damaging the pump. At the same time, precautions have been taken with the double float system against overflows that may occur during filling.

When designing the Cruiser®, Çelikel® engineers designed a strong suspension system to protect the tractor from possible overloads. In this system, deformations are prevented by transmitting the load to the suspension springs in the drawbar section against possible turbulence during sudden starts and stops.

Wide Tyre
In order to get the best efficiency from organic fertilizer, the time period for spreading fertilizer is winter and spring when the terrain and weather conditions are difficult. The wide-surface and durable tires used in Cruiser® Liquid Fertilizer Spreader Trailers allow you to complete the process without being affected by difficult terrain conditions with their free movement and maneuverability.
Technical Specifications
You can review the technical specifications of the Cruiser in the table below.
İŞ GENİŞLİĞİ | 14 - 20 m | 14 - 20 m | 16 - 25 m | 16 - 30 m |
YÜKLÜ AĞIRLIK | 4800 kg | 8900 kg | 14740 kg | 28500 kg |
AĞIRLIK | 1200 kg | 1914 kg | 2940 kg | 5500 kg |
GENİŞLİK | 2000 mm | 2150 mm | 2617 mm | 2525 mm |
YÜKSEKLİK | 2470 mm | 2651 mm | 3045 mm | 3345 mm |
UZUNLUK | 4350 mm | 5880 mm | 7670 mm | 9500 mm |
TEKER ÖLÇÜSÜ | 12,5/80 15,3 | 400/60-15,5 | 550/60-22,5 | 550/60-22.5 |
TEKER SAYISI | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
DİNGİL SİSTEMİ | Frenli Dingil | Frenli Dingil | Frenli Dingil | Tandem Makas |
DOLUM KAPASİTESİ | 3000 lt. | 5000 lt. | 10000 lt. | 20000 lt. |
MİNİMUM GÜÇ GEREKSİNİMİ | 30 kW/40 hp | 40 kW/55 hp | 52 kW/70 hp | 82 kW/110 hp |
PTO ÇALIŞMA DEVRİ | 540 RPM | 540 RPM | 540 RPM | 540 RPM |
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